Compare Cheap .WF Domain
Explore and compare the best deals on affordable .WF domains. Find your perfect domain at the lowest prices.
Check .wf domain availability
Registrar | Registration | Renewal | Transfer |
Dynadot | $6.70 | $6.70 | $6.70 |
Infomaniak | $7.21 | $7.21 | $7.21 |
Internetbs | $7.39 | $8.89 | $7.39 |
Domgate | $8.24 | $8.24 | $8.24 |
MrDomain | $10.24 | $10.24 | $10.24 |
Edomains | $10.99 | $10.99 | $10.99 |
AEserver | $11.13 | $11.13 | $11.13 |
Moniker | $11.99 | $13.89 | $11.99 |
Netim | $12.50 | $12.50 | $7.50 |
Rebel | $15.99 | $23.99 | - |
Marcaria | $16.00 | $16.00 | $16.00 |
OVH | $6.49 | $8.59 | $8.59 |
Hostinger | $9.99 | $9.99 | $9.99 |
Epik | $11.95 | $11.95 | $11.95 |
INWX | $12.36 | $12.36 | $12.36 |
Gandi | $15.00 | $39.98 | $15.00 | | $15.29 | $17.99 | - |
101domain | $17.99 | $28.99 | $17.99 |
OnlyDomains | $32.29 | $18.99 | $14.99 |
Iwantmyname | $53.75 | $56.99 | $54.87 |
Total 21 Registrars All prices are excluding VAT.
About .wf Domains
General | |
Type | ccTLD |
Allowed character length: | 1 - 63 characters |
Allowed Nameservers | 2 - 12 |
WHOIS Privacy | Not Supported |
DNSSEC | Supported |
IDN | Supported |
IPV6 | Supported |
Trustee Service | Supported |
Cheapest Price | |
Cheapest .wf Registration Price | $6.49 |
Cheapest .wf Renewal Price | $6.7 |
Cheapest .wf Transfer Price | $6.7 |
Grace Period | |
Registration | 5 Days |
Renewal | 0 Days |
Redemption | 30 Days |
Pending Delete | 0 Days |
.wf Transfer Details | |
EPP Code required for .wf transfer | Yes |
Transfer authorization required from registrant | No |
.wf EPP Code Length | 12 - 32 characters |
.wf Transfer Duration | 8 to 22 Days |
Do .wf domains supports registrar lock ? | No |
.wf Requirements
Open to individuals residing or corporations having their head office in the territory of one of the Member States of the European Union.
How to Transfer a .WF Domain to another registrar?
- A .wf domain transfer has to be initiated with a so-called authorization code, which can be obtained from the current registrar through the owner or Admin-C of the domain.
- The registrar change request is made by the new registrar. It is the auth-code given by the holder to the incoming registrar that validates this request.
- The outgoing registrar receives a registrar change notification
- If the outgoing registrar accepts within 8 days, the registrar change is immediately validated.
- If the outgoing registrar refuses within 8 days, the total duration of the registrar change operation is extended to 22 days before validation.
- The outgoing registrar may still accept the transfer before the 22 days.
- If the outgoing registrar does not react within 8 days, the registrar change is immediately validated at the end of the 8 days.
- The transfer operation is billed and changes the expiration date of the domain name. The lifetime starts from beginning.
.WF Frequently Asked Questions
What is the cheapest .wf registration price ?
The cheapest .wf registration price is $6.49
Which domain registrar offers the cheapest .wf registration ?
The cheapest .wf registration is offered by OVH
What is the cheapest .wf renewal price ?
The cheapest .wf renewal price is $6.7
Which domain registrar offers the cheapest .wf renewal?
The cheapest .wf renewal is offered by Dynadot
What is the cheapest .wf transfer price ?
The cheapest .wf transfer price is $6.7
Which domain registrar offers the cheapest .wf transfer ?
The cheapest .wf transfer price is offered by Dynadot
Country | Registrar | Registration Price |
United States | OVH | $ 6.49 |
Europe | Dynadot | €6.70 |
United Kingdom | Dynadot | £5.59 |
India | Dynadot | ₹615.09 |
Country | Registrar | Renewal Price |
United States | Dynadot | $6.70 |
Europe | Dynadot | €6.70 |
United Kingdom | Dynadot | £5.59 |
India | Dynadot | ₹615.09 |
Country | Registrar | Transfer Price |
United States | Dynadot | $6.70 |
Europe | Dynadot | €6.70 |
United Kingdom | Dynadot | £5.59 |
India | Dynadot | ₹615.09 |